Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Times We Live in Is Are So Awesome That If We Lose Something like Motivation ... Friends on Facebook Remind Us. Actually ..So Does Facebook and Google!

Okay this post is for Basha, a friend who is good at reminding me things when I need a gentle shove over a cliff where there is thankfully a safety net so I don't fall far while giggling. She's kind of like Google in that she reminds you what you often forget to nudge you back on track. The truth is I thought on writing here again recently but talked myself out of it. Basha talked me back into it. Typical of her...

Let me explain a bit. We live in a world that is so far beyond anything we could have imagined growing up watching Roy Rogers and wanting to wear a cowgirl dress for Halloween or Purim depending on what Temple our family went to when we were little. We wanted to be Lois Lane and we knew Superman could leap from tall buildings to save the world from the evil Lex Luthor. It seems we were raised with messianic messages from early on as TV shows had good guys fighting evil villains and good often prevailed over evil. In Chassidus we learn there is a Yetzer Hora and a Yetzer Tov and we all have within us a good inclination and a bad inclination. Often we give in to distractions and move away from a plan and then can't find our way back to where we started. That was then... not anymore.

That is where friends like Basha come in. Basha is a bit stubborn in a totally good way and she always stays focused on her goal. Well, I guess she can get sidetracked, but because she learns daily in 770 with friends she stays focused on the goal line. I mean a good running back can't just run around the field enjoying the Sunday afternoon while being chased he has to cross the goal to get touchdown. Yes, I love football. Sports teaches us teamwork as well as following rules and the concept of practicing often and learning new tricks and how to work to get the Touchdown or even a valuable First Down. First Downs lead to Touchdowns. They are needed moments in the game on the way to victory.

Obviously a writer needs the best pen... 

Another way we get reminded things in this world of 2017 is when we do a Google Search Facebook and Google have done this great thing by teaming up and reminding you of every thing you ever searched for but did not buy the night before when you were online. That includes everything from the perfect pen to the dress for your daughter's wedding that you thought was horrible but it's gonna show up forever on your feed until you go to another site that is really good at spamming you with advertisements. Paula Young will show you the wig you weren't interested in until you surf onto that poster site which I often do just to get rid of the wig I didn't like or the make up I already bought. Choose posters you enjoy looking at as they will show upon your feed for the next week. Choose wisely..

Welcome to 2017 the year you can't forget what you did yesterday even if you tried! It's also been a while since I wrote anything here. And to be honest this too is also an explanation of how we live in a world so Moshiachdich that the common place becomes natural.

I lost the password to this account. A lot happened in the last few years and I got distracted by things good and bad. Several kids got married and had their own kids.  My mother was ill, she passed away and then my sister-in-law died suddenly and then we moved from our big house to this wonderful apartment I love but it's short on storage space.  In the process my old computer died or well its really stopped moving as fast as it used to so I got a new computer. I ofte use the old one for writing vs surfing the web. Then I couldn't find the email account I used to start this blog in my normal Gmail nor could I find it in my old AOL and if I wrote it down in a notebook that notebook has long since seen the County dump. My old laptop that I'm trying to get on again is here, however slow it surfs the net it is here with a lot of data I need. Unfortunately I lost the power cord when we were cleaning for Passover so my laptop is in Geulah but my power cord is in Golus. And I'm pretty sure my husband put it in a milk carton with other cords in the storage unit so it's not really lost by kind of metaphysically wandering around the desert (or baking in 90 plus degree heat in the storage unit outside) and once I find the cord to my old laptop it will slowly get back on the Internet and my laptop will find it's way slowly to the Holy Land. Luckily while looking for the power cord my husband found the tea I stored away for Pesach last March that I've been trying to find. Sweet....

And if I can't find the cord, I can always Google it and Amazon or Ebay will have what I need and then those search results will show up on my computer tomorrow morning when I go on Facebook. I know this because this happens regularly now that Facebook has become our memory for now until something else comes along. Today I remembered which pen I loved that my most my stores no longer offer but it's available online. Everything is available online.

And that brings us to another explanation of how we live in truly magical, Moshiachdich times in that everything is online and it's up to you to choose what you want to learn and what you learn in the end is often how you live so you really need to choose wisely. Above are my responses for when I Googled the Bais Hamigdash. And Google is so amazing in that if you spell it wrong it will ask you if you meant the right spelling. I mean really how good does it get?

Note I joked to my husband about Passover earlier.
So Google was nice enough to include Passover learning in as well.
Careful what you search... Google remembers.
Unless you go incognito which many of us do in other ways...
But somewhere Google is keeping track.
Would be easy and obvious to say so is God...
But I try not to get preachy here and keep it lite with humor.

So are we in Geulah or are we in Golus? How do you live your life? Do you see the glass half empty or half full? Is my laptop in Geulah or Golus? It looks pretty dead, I can't get it turn on without the proper cord and I can't find the cord. And yet by staying on track in my neat little Bullet Journal I can remind myself to find the cord or order a cord. And tomorrow morning I'll probably get ads on Facebook for cords for computers or maybe ads to buy a new computer. The computer is fine it is just lacking the cord that is temporarily out of sight somewhere. I may not be able to go on today but I can go on when I find the right cord. And again if not in the storage unit the cord is somewhere else or I'll just buy it online. 

Life is so easy today and yet everything seems so difficult. It really wasn't that hard to get back in here I had to want it bad enough. I had to sign out of my regular screen name (something I HATE doing as I'm not sure if I know the newest password anymore) and then ask Gmail for my password to this account. Then luckily it had my phone number saved and it sent me a pass code to put into the password search bar and then voila I was back in. And, if I can't remember the new password I made last for Gmail I'll have to do that with my regular account go get back in. It's funny how easy our world is yet we convince ourselves how hard it is to do the easiest things. It's funny how our generation got rid of calendar journals to use the internet and the Millenials (who are awesome) made up Bullet Journals where they make their own calendar journals. I'm pretty sure they will take us where the Babyboomers have been want to go... they are pretty innovative even if they tend to sometimes recreate the wheel for the better.

What's on your Wish List?

Mine might be a trip to Bermuda.
Maybe a European River Cruise.
Going away next year for Pesach?
A trip to NY or Miami?
Taking a class online?
Staying focused on this blog 

I have to tell you I have a blog that has over a million hits... way over a million hits. It's not that I don't want to write here I get off track, out of the mood and lose my momentum. It has to be I guess more than Moments of Moshiach and yet someone, somewhere was reading this blog even when I wasn't writing anymore. And that is the beauty of the Internet and the time we live in. We can reach out and share and learn. If that isn't the dissemination of the wellsprings of Chassidus I don't know what is... Then again while growing up and worrying on the year 1984 I was unable to imagine a world where my best friends from Middle School could talk and share our grandchildren's pictures nor could I imagine I could send money to my daughter (or vice versa) on an app on a phone that I no longer use for talking on but to keep in touch with my kids who live far and wide. Who could think a phone would one day be a piece of black glass that is cordless and we'd take with us everywhere using it as a camera and a communicator and it turns on when we run our fingers across it. It may be common place today but almost unimaginable 30 years ago. A phone used to be something we called each other on that was limited in nature to a wall jack and the length of the cord. I'm pretty sure in the 1800s no one could imagine a princess phone with a 30 foot cord. 

http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/3073/jewish/36-Aphorisms-of-the-Baal-Shem-Tov.htm the image above is number 36. Read a bit there when you are done here.

The purpose of this blog is to make you think and to take a moment to to think on Moshiach and even when I am not someone, somewhere may happen upon this blog and read and think on Moshiach while I'm searching for the perfect pen or dress to wear to a wedding. There is a saying that Moshiach will come when the wellsprings of Chassidus spread out across the globe. And the electronic web with it's invisible beams are always moving about the globe daily. Before I started this blog there was no Facebook Live. Now on any given night I can learn with Manis on Facebook Live or anyone that makes it into my feed. My husband, who lives far from Crown Heights, learns with his friend before praying every morning by watching a video on chassidus from Josh Gordon who passed away this year. Yet his life's work lives on as someone, somewhere is watching the videos he made over the years. The edges are blurring these days. Josh made me Sheva Brochos a long time ago, he was almost like family so I can call him Josh.

Click on the link or cut and paste that link into your browser... 

Pretty awesome times we live in... seems awful Moshiachdich to me.. 

Last night while looking for the cord I found an old cell phone. I plugged in the cell phone in to a charger and it showed a small green light meaning "we have connected" and I waited and waited. I was doing other things when suddenly the old phone beeped and made all sorts of noises and amazingly turned on again. Just by plugging in...  I've been wanting to get pictures off of that phone for a while. In seconds all those "lost" photos were there and so was most of 2013 and 2014 when a few of my kids got married as well as a close friend of mine in Florida got remarried. It was awesome looking back and of course there was a picture of me and Basha from my daughter's wedding. 

So thanks Basha for being you! And thanks for working towards something with the energy you always do. The Rebbe never liked when people complained they can't do something. He always pushed people to be and do more. He pushed writers to write. He pushed artists to paint. He pushed us all to talk on Moshiach and to do more. Sometimes we can go back and do something because we are reminded what we started out to do but got distracted from... 

Amazingly now days long after Gimel Tamuz all we have to do is put a few words into the Google browser and the Rebbe is there guiding us, leading us with such clarity it's as if we are a fly on the wall in 770 listening to his every word. Pretty amazing times we live in... 


Always something to learn..
..you just have to plug in.
You got to move the muscles.


My friend's site on Facebook. Check it out. Learn when you can what you can and if you have a Bullet Journal you might want to make a page to keep passwords and where you store things. ;)


Have a wonderful day.

I'll post again soon.  Til then listen to a good video, learn on Facebook Live or listen to a good song.




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