Friday, June 8, 2012

Be a Miracle Sponge

So, I was thinking the other day about life as I was washing the dishes... And, the thought occurred to me that we need to be more like a "sponge" and then I thought how sponges get a "bad rap" usually in the media.

"Don't sponge off people" "Are you just a sponge?"  Statements like that tell only half the story.

The beauty of a sponge is not that it soaks up a mess ... it releases fresh soapy water onto whatever you need to clean up. Soaking up is good.... but it's only half the story.

A sponge soaks up everything around it, anywhere you put it... you mush it this way or that and it does the trick. Then, you rinse the sponge off, fill it with water and soap and you are able to clean off a counter, a pot, they are amazing creations.  Sponges are used for medical operations also, they help the surgeon soak up the blood as he continues on to save the body.

Natural sponges were sold in Key West and other places. The State Department was tipped off years ago that the Japanese were preparing to go to war when they began placing extremely large orders for sponges. An order so large could only be for a preparation for war so that their surgeons in the field would have adequate supplies.

Be a sponge. Give back when you soak up.

Hear something wonderful? Pass it along. Soak it up. Then, like a sponge... give it back and release it to help others.

While thinking on what to write on this topic I was wandering through a hardware store in Crown Heights. I saw this sponge and took a picture to remind me and I laughed.... a Miracle indeed :) Exactly what I was thinking....

Be a miracle... spread Geulah, give back to others things you learn ...remember the miracle of the sponge and their true purpose. Not to just soak up, but to release what was soaked up!

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