Tuesday, November 9, 2010

There are no coincidences.... A Day of Prayer and Meditation.

That is one of the lessons I learned a long time ago. One story of the Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka comes to mind where she was forced to take a detour and in doing so she witnessed a woman being thrown out of her home begging the landlord for mercy. She asked her driver to stop and got out and inquired what was going on and how she could help. She arranged to give him the money he needed with a promise in return to allow the woman to move back in and to return her belongings to the apartment. Her explanation to the driver for her actions was that there were no coincidences.... when you are forced to make a detour, there is a reason for that detour.

I received a request from a friend on Facebook today to take part in a moment of meditation on November 11th and 11 AM. I went to the site, read what it said and thought how Moshiachdich it was in theory to have so many people focus together positive energy. I watched the video... where a man speaks on how we have come to a new place in human existence but we are not fully there yet... so true. Some of us are there as we are able to see the shimmery threads that bind us all together, others want to see it in the New York Times on the Front Page before they believe what they know in their heart. They want validation from a Rabbi, a Politician, a mentor... someone who will tell them they can believe what they already wish to believe.

The world is moving towards an understanding of the value of unity, both in secular and in non-secular circles. Scientists come together to focus on what normally seems like a spiritual exercise. As above and below seem to fuse together as one. And, indeed they are right there is a paradigm shift going on be it in "New Age" circles or in other circles. There are no coincidences.


This afternoon I was reading online at www.shmais.com and came across a similar request for people to increase in their tefillah and saying of tehillim, doing good deeds, etc. Again, the concept that we need to do things together with unity of focus.


I saw a fortune cookie a while back, it had a good saying in it and I saved it. "If you think you can or you think you can't you are right!"   So, so so true... "change your thoughts and you change your world" is another great saying.

I invite all of you to embrace Unity and focus your intention on seeing the shimmery, translucent beams and how they weave a mosaic of Moshiach in your life....watch it grow.

In Unity... with Much Love, Bracha

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Politics and Moshiach... Alan West Turning the World Upside Down

There is something Moshiachdich about this election in that you can see the karma being played out on a grand stage. There is the sense of the Chassidic principle the Rebbe spoke of so often... turning the world upside down. In an instant we can do that in a way that seems not miraculous but part of the political process. Often miracles happen in a way that they look quite normal, and yet they really are not so normal.

A little over a year ago Benyamin Netanyahu visited the White House for a meeting with the President. All of the political pundits were shocked at the cold way the visit went down. I mean these are people who watch every element of body language and the way an eye brow is raised. They also have protocol down pat and know when something is being handled the way things are rarely done. In particular was the departure of Bibi from the White House after the meeting by the back door.  There were pictures plastered all over the papers and lots of denials and explanations by the White House of why it "looked like" he was being shown the back door when in fact he was hanging around a while after the President left him to go have dinner with his family and well...

You know President Obama may have been relatively new to office, but he had learned protocol and the protocol calls for him to be a little late for a family dinner and walk a Chief of State out the front door or to arrange a meal for the leader at the White House. Political pundits know their protocol.  Eventually, Bibi was asked back to the White House and he was treated a bit more cordial and the White House was happy to take lots of nice pics of them both standing together looking happy. But, the truth is pictures tell the truth so often as you can see body language and emotions on the face that tell a different story from the press release that is carefully put together.

So, what does this candid shot show? Bibi does not look like he's declining a dinner invitation. Obama does not look at him with any sense of respect and Rahm Emmanueal is standing with his arms crossed looking very not happy with the whole situation.

Yesterday the American people voted in an election and turned the political world upside down by voting in more Republicans than any time in recent history and showing the President the back door. This post is not meant to be political as much as philosophical as my first thought last night was of this meeting between Bibi and Obama and the story of Haman and Mordechai. There was a lack of respect, a desire to see Mordechai's downfall and yet in the end Haman had to suffer the indignity that he wished to watch Mordechai suffer. Here is a link for the whole story but the gist is...what Haman wished on Mordechai he received back in a twist of karma.


And, even more so the victory of Alan West in South Florida over his Jewish opponent inspires me in that he holds from the bible, the Old Testament. He is a man who walks with God and the Holy Book and on a Youtube video that was played all across the Internet on Facebook he explained his support of Israel and why he is a friend of Israel...and he is indeed and he was indeed elected to office and will now serve in the Congress. In fact, he is the FIRST Republican African American to go to Washington from Florida since Reconstruction back in the 1800s.

When Jews who are unsure of how they believe regarding the boundaries of the State of Israel need to be read the truth by a man such as Alan West the world is indeed being turned upside down in a positive, beautiful way as no one since my childhood Hebrew teacher back in the late 60s has ever explained the history of Israel so well as Alan West did online for all to hear. I looked through his opponent's platforms for support of settlements in the territories or a Jerusalem undivided or anything else that would show me he would be a better candidate to believe in and all I could find was a full time ad in a local Jewish Paper saying Klein supported an anniversary celebration for Israel's Statehood, voted against a UN Resolution and a few other trivial things that anyone of any faith could have done while serving in Congress.

Alan West did more. He stood up and showed leadership and knowledge and turned the world upside down in his own unique way.

The boundaries are becoming a little blurred out there on the battlefield of politics and the Republican Party has for now been resurrected after a Time article less than two years ago that announced it's untimely death. The pendulum swings back and forth always in politics but in this election in Florida what Alan West did was a Kiddush Hashem...he reminded everyone what the bible says and not what propaganda says about where Israel's true boundaries should be.

And, I quote Congressman Alan West,"If God has ordained the State of Israel there is nothing man can do about it."

It's a beautiful world we live in ...where we can see the drama of Moshiach, the reality of Moshiach being played out in small ways every day if we just open our eyes to the Moments of Moshiach that we see happening every day all about us... be in the beauty of an orchid or a turn around in political power that is historic.

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Another good youtube to watch:


At 5:35 into this youtube you can see the Rebbe speaking on "turning the world over today" for yourself, inspiring clip.

May you be blessed to SEE Moshiach working in your life by opening up your eyes!