Thursday, April 5, 2012

Passover In Geulah :)

Passover in Geulah means going to your mother's house or Aunt's house or some older relative who still "makes Pesach" and being on vacation smelling the incredible aromas of childhood.

There is something about the younger generation I have found, the children of so many of the baalachtchuvah's who returned to their roots in the early 70s. I like to call them the "Class of 73" because so many became involved with Chabad in 1973.

They had large families, 7, 8, 9...10, 11, 12 kids and more not using birth control and helping to build what in the early 80s became the Rebbe's "Army of Hashem" who grew up to the song "We Want Moshiach Now!"

Fast forward 20 and 30 years and these children cannot imagine taking apart a house the way their parents did and do. The thought of cleaning, spending weeks shopping, making lists, planning is beyond their mind set. Passover to them is when you pack up your belongings (much like another generation in the dessert) but instead of taking their belongings with them ...they bring Passover chocolate, treats, delights and sometimes bathing suits and fly on Jetblue or drive off over the river and through the woods to Bubby's house so that they can be "home" with their siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews and walk into a house where their mother is cooking Chicken Soup and making Gefilte Fish.

Maybe we spoiled them?

Maybe they are two steps ahead of us all...

They are obviously the generation that are the reincarnated souls of those who went into the Land of Israel. They don't have a "Golus Mentality" where "turning over a house" makes sense. They do turn over their lives, they travel, pay a lot of money for airfare or gas or if they are lucky enough to some hotel or vacation spot where some Chabad House is serving a Kosher Passover Seder. They do sometimes work on cruises and in hotels in faraway places such as Katmadu.

If nothing can convince you that we are living in Geulah... the Seders being held in Katmandu should.

On a mountain top, way high up in the sky is the world's biggest Seder..the table and seating arrangements go on for miles...

In Russia, or what is left of it, where the Tsar's would not let the Jews go...they now have some of the largest Sedors in the world.

Yet, in household's across the world wherever the Alumni of the Class of 73 and 74 and 75, etc are there are kid's arriving with their own kid's in tow going away for Passover. They do it every year.

And, it's good.

It's good that this beautiful generation of the Army of Hashem, the Rebbe's Army does not have the Golus mentality...

I'm sure many kids are making Sedorim and many are on Shlichos themselves somewhere and can't go home but by and large...this generation travels, with their iPads, their iPods and the babies in the backseat watching Uncle Moishy DVDS or playing Passover games on their parent's iPads.

What a beautiful world.... where we can eat matzah made in the Ukraine or Israel in a dining room somewhere in America and watch our children pour in and relive the going out of Mitzrayim and our minds can dwell not on the past but on the future...on a world filled with the light of Moshiach and Geulah reigning supreme.

This is what we wanted. This is what the Rebbe wanted. It is what it they say now days.

It is what it is. It is a taste of Geulah the same way my kid's tasted some of the food ...

We smell Moshiach.... we taste it, we live it...

If you don't have a mother or a bubby to go home to... check out where you can find a Seder close to you and enjoy Passover.

When you are sipping your wine and nibbling on your matzah... concentrate on what it is really like to be free of the past and the future is unlimited and filled with possibilities!

I was at Fresh Market today. Not only were they giving out free coffee and tastes of strawberries they had Kosher Wine set out to taste and enjoy.

Starbucks Verona Coffee Kosher for Passover.
Kosher Wine.
Kosher Chocolate..

What more do you need?

Oh..that's right... Matzah :)

Have a Geulahdich Pesach :)